Davide Medri's sculpture "Two Present" has been selected for the prestigious exhibition "I'M A MOSAIC!" at MAR - Museum of Art of the city of Ravenna, an exhibition celebrating the centenary of the Mosaic School of the Ravenna Academy of Fine Arts (1924-2024).
The exhibition, curated by Paola Babini, Giovanna Cassese, Emanuela Fiori, and Giovanni Gardini, traces a significant journey through the history of contemporary mosaic, starting from the works of 20th-century masters such as Severini, Sironi, and Fontana, up to contemporary interpretations by artists like Paladino, Plessi, and Samorì.
The exhibition, organized in eight sections, highlights how mosaic art has evolved over time, emancipating itself from the restoration tradition to become an autonomous expressive language in sculpture, design, and artistic installation.
The exhibition will be open from October 12, 2024, to January 12, 2025, at MAR Ravenna.